Saturday, August 13, 2005
"The President Hears and Understands"
Think The Weasel is insensitive or, perhaps, outright stupid in not just talking for chrissake to Cindy Sheehan? Not so (do a text search on "sheehan"):
Update (a few minutes later): Gawd, it's wonderful to tour the site. You can find out all kinds of things you never suspected. Here's an excerpt from The Weasel's press conference yesterday:
Jeebus. Just answer the woman's questions if you want her to go away.
Mary, from Los Angeles writes:Take that, liberal media whores like Sheehan and her godless -- let alone Godless -- ilk.
Mr. Hadley, Why does our President refuse to meet with Cindy Sheehan, whose son made the ultimate sacrifice for a war that more and more Americans view as unjust and unwarranted? Why does he continue to insulate himself from those who disagree with his policies? He's not demonstrating leadership, he's demonstrating disdain. For shame, all the dead soldiers, all the dead Iraqi civilians; I frankly don't understand how those of you who pushed for this conflict can sleep at night.
I'm certain you won't post this question, not this White House.
Steve Hadley
Mary, the President did in fact meet with Cindy Sheehan and other family members who lost loved ones in the war on terror when he visited Ft. Lewis, Washington on June 18, 2004. The President has met 900 family members of 272 fallen soldiers. The President grieves at the loss of every single man and woman who has given their life in service to this country. When he meets with families, he does his best [sic] to bring them comfort and to honor the memory of their lost loved one. As the President often says, putting men and women in harm's way is the hardest thing a Commander in Chief must do and war is always a last resort. That was the case with Iraq, and because of the efforts of America and our coalition partners, a dictator has been thrown from power, an oppressed people now have hope, and freedom and democracy are growing in a part of the world that has never known it. The President hears and understands the arguments of those who oppose our efforts in Iraq. I met with Mrs. Sheehan myself, heard her arguments, and conveyed them to the President. He understands but respectfully disagrees. The President is committed that the job in Iraq will be finished and the sacrifice made by Americans and our coalitions partners will have made this world a better and safer place for generations to come.
Update (a few minutes later): Gawd, it's wonderful to tour the site. You can find out all kinds of things you never suspected. Here's an excerpt from The Weasel's press conference yesterday:
THE [WEASEL]: ...I also know there's a lot of folks here in the United States that are, you know, wondering about troop withdrawals. They're concerned about the violence and the death. They hear the stories about a loved one being lost to combat. And, you know, I grieve for every death. It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place..."Her position." Her only position -- about which The Weasel has thought [sic] long and hard -- is that she's been sufficiently tortured by her son's death that she wants to understand why he died. What does this have to do with getting out of Iraq now?
Q Just to make clear, you're referring to Mrs. Sheehan here, I think?
THE [WEASEL]: I'm referring to any grieving mother or father, no matter what their political views may be. Part of my duty as the President is to meet with those who've lost a loved one. And so, you know, listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. She feels strongly about her -- about her position. And I am -- she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America. She has a right to her position. And I've thought long and hard about her position. I've heard her position from others, which is, get out of Iraq now. And it would be -- it would be a mistake for the security of this country and the ability to lay the foundations for peace in the long-run, if we were to do so.
But no, Steve, I've met with a lot of families, and I have done my best [sic] to bring comfort to the families and honor to the loved one, and get different opinions when you meet with moms and dads and sons and daughters and wives and husbands of those who have fallen. One opinion I've come away with universally is that, you know, we should do everything we can to honor the fallen. And one way to honor the fallen is to lay the foundation for peace.
Jeebus. Just answer the woman's questions if you want her to go away.
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Anonymous: Hmm. Presumably you yourself are the mother of a son or daughter who has died in war. If not, it seems to me that judging Cindy Sheehan by a standard like the one you're evidently using (something like "Supporting The Weasel should trump mother love") isn't fair.
Just out of curiosity, did you apply the same judgment to the 9/11 victims' mothers who fought so hard and so publicly to get answers to THEIR questions?
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Just out of curiosity, did you apply the same judgment to the 9/11 victims' mothers who fought so hard and so publicly to get answers to THEIR questions?
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