Monday, November 15, 2004
"Inauguration" Day Activities
- International ANSWER's Counter-Inauguration
- From Progressive Democrats of America, The People's Inauguration (scheduled for January 21)
- Portland (OR) IndyMedia discussion of activities (including local/non-DC based)
- J20 "Call to Action" (not much there yet; planning session scheduled for 2004-12-04)
- Turn Your Back on Bush (and, per MouseMusings, sing Imagine)
- General discussion on Daily Kos
- blog discussion of actual/possible activities
- Bob Harris wants us all to scream
- From BartCop, this update (Bart asks that you e-mail him if you're in DC and want to help):
Anti-Bush Party in DC on Inauguration dayWe have quite a few volunteers/protestors, coming from Missouri, Florida, New York, Chicago, and semi-local places like Virginia and Maryland, but we need at least one local guy. We need the main anchor right in town in case gridlock takes over. It won't help for the signs and the people to be in different area codes..
This might work best as a pyramid, with the local anchor being top capo de capo, with maybe six underbosses with crews of six people each, but first we need a DC boss.
If all else fails, we can have the six underbosses run their own crews.
In the next few days, we'll get things straight and I'll e-mail each volunteer
with the address of their capo.Also, Priority One is Nobody Gets Hurt - don't taint the cops, especially with a bartcop sign :)
Priority Two is Nobody gets Arrested. Sure, it'll make a fun story to tell the grandkids, but that vengeful, maybe-elected bastard would love to hang a felony on each and every protestor.
- Over at The Smirking Chimp, numerous posters advocate the use of whistles. (Specific whistle recommendations here and here.)
-, "being organized by DC activists working on organizing for inauguration actions."
- General guidelines on obtaining Inaugural Parade tickets -- and what to do once you have 'em