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Friday, September 23, 2005


Ken Jennings: His 16th Minute of Fame

Over at Dana Blankenhorn's Moore's Lore blog a few days ago, he was writing about how eBay's purchase of Skype might be the first sign of an impending new Internet bubble. His post, structured as an imaginary "Jeopardy" dialogue, began:
“I’ll take Bubble for $100, Alex.” (That’s 2004 Jeopardy mega-winner Ken Jennings, whose 15 minutes of fame are now up.)

And the answer is, “The final proof of the second Internet bubble, in 2005.”

“What was eBay’s purchase of Skype.”

“Correct. eBay paid $2.6 million in cash and stock for a company that had few revenues, no profits, and hardly any business model, and whose operations were completely incompatible with eBay’s own.”
Within a day the post had received several comments, one of which I'll reproduce in toto here:
i happened to come across this article when i got a google alert for ken jennings. now,i really would love to talk to the author of this. because 1) his 15 minutes obviously arent over if youre still making such a freakin random reference about him that isnt even clever, and 2)i just find it so odd. especially how there's that big picture of ken in an article totally irrelevant to him about ebay and its buying of a company.

either he [the author] is a really big fan and constantly writes about ken because he cant get him out of his mind(like me) or is on drugs. or both. i wouldnt be surprised.

but, yay for random ken references!

ps: he might not be in the spotlight now, but he's got a show coming out on comedy central this january and a book coming out in the summer. muhahahaha! ken shall never die!
As I've said before on other matters, further commentary would be superfluous. But I'm telling you right now: I will simply not stand for any snide remarks from anyone in the Peanut Gallery who's stumbled upon this post of mine while Googling for references to the little dog in "The Wizard of Oz."

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