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Wednesday, July 06, 2005


The Party of Dignity, Suddenly

Oh, this is rich. In scolding the freakazoid wingnuts who are agitating to remove Alberto Gonzales from the list of possible SDO'C replacements, Frist's chief of staff, Eric Ueland, warns:
The extremism of language, if there is to be any, should be demonstrably on the other side. The hysteria and the foaming at the mouth ought to come from the left.
To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen: Mr. Ueland, I've seen hysteria and foaming at the mouth and believe me, it wasn't coming from the left.

The unspeakable Grover Norquist, this time not even trying to sound like he speaks English, chimes in:
The only ones who could make somebody sound extreme... are some of the president's allies talking in an inappropriate way and themselves sounding extreme, which then gets tagged to the nominees.
And then, having been "tagged to," the nominees all run around in circles.

Norquist is a criminal purely and simply. The Nation and wikipedia have enough information on this guy to build a RICO case from public sources alone.

I linked to your blog.
Thanks, Pete -- right back atcha.
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