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Thursday, June 30, 2005


(Fair and) Balanced Meal

So my work group goes out to lunch, and we're sitting in a local chain restaurant, and there are TVs hanging from the ceiling, it seems, every 20 feet or so. About half the TVs are tuned to Faux News.

Two top stories being discussed by the talking heads and in the crawl (not counting the non-updated updates on Natalee Holloway):
  1. The assertion, by at least five of the Carter-Presidency hostages of Iranian students, that Iranian president-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was one of their captors (and perhaps the chief one). Ironic, isn't it? I mean of course that there are at least five people in the US who can remember this guy from 30 years ago -- while we're still waiting for one witness to surface who knows anything definitive about W's Alabama National Guard service.
  2. The news that two Iraqi citizens had been caught attempting illegally to cross the Mexican border into the US. To this news, my boss's boss -- a hard-right winger -- shook his head sadly and said, "They still haven't learned their lesson, have they?" The only lesson I could think of was that when terrorists (or presumed terrorists) threaten the US, the US will attack some other country. Under the circumstances, I fear for the Saudis.

Why do you fear for the Saudis? I fear for Mexico.
Ha ha! Point taken.
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